Entrepreneurs, Professionals and Prospective Franchisees:

I'm looking to help three people start a domestic cleaning business in their local area in 2024

Fill in the form below to learn more.
I'll email you with the franchise prospectus straight away.


About your interest

YES! I'd like to learn more about the One Less Thing pilot franchise opportunity.

I understand that:

  • As a pilot franchisee I'd get the full franchise package without the usual up-front franchise fees that others will pay once the three remaining pilot slots are taken.
  • This is a franchise opportunity and (if I decided to proceed) I'd be starting my own business following your system (with your help and support).
  • By filling in this form I am merely requesting more information and I'm under no pressure or obligation to proceed.
  • I am in a position to invest my own capital to launch and market my business in order to win clients and generate profit (if I decide to proceed).

I'd like to receive the franchise prospectus with more detail on the opportunity, what it costs to start and the potential returns.


By submitting the form you agree to us storing and processing your information to allow us to provide information about our franchise. Your enquiry is free from obligation and purely to help you understand if the One Less Thing franchise opportunity is right for you. Published by One Less Thing Limited.

As with any business or franchise opportunity financial results are not guaranteed and will depend on many factors including local market conditions and (in particular) your skills, expertise and effort. You can find information on financial projections and the associated assumptions used to create them in our franchise prospectus.

Frequently asked questions

How much does the One Less Thing franchise cost?

We're looking for four (now three) people to start their own One Less Thing domestic cleaning business as pilot franchisees.

As a pilot franchisees you'll get our full franchise package including a large exclusive territory, full training and ongoing support at no up-front cost from us.

You'll just pay £8,000 towards the third-party advertising/marketing costs for your new One Less Thing business. This is spent on the marketing of your One Less Thing branch over its first 6-12 months to drive the sales and generate your recurring revenue and profit.

This ensures that your One Less Thing branch has the necessary marketing to launch and thrive, and your new business is set up for success.

You can read full details about the investment and potential returns in the franchise prospectus and 10-part mini-course. Fill in the form here to request your copy.

How does the business work?

Our business model means that you never employ any cleaners or do any cleaning yourself.

As a One Less Thing franchise owner, you'll focus on finding clients, growing your business and delivering a fantastic service. You'll arrange excellent self-employed cleaners to work for your clients for an ongoing fee, and provide insurance and management to make sure everything runs smoothly.

You can read full details about how the business works in the franchise prospectus and 10-part mini-course. Fill in the form here to request your copy.

Does the business really work?

With One Less Thing, we have taken a proven cleaning agency approach that has worked throughout the UK for decades, and improved and modernised it with world-class brand, marketing and our unique software system.

We have been operating this business ourselves for around 16 months and have already gathered over 140 clients. The graph below is an extract from our unique management software that shows how our clients have grown over the last few months.

Client growth over last three months
Graph from One Less Thing HQ-run branch showing growth in clients from 96 to 142 over the last three months.

We're currently a quarter of the way into our second year and now arrange regular cleaning services worth over £230,000 per year for our clients (and it's growing every week).

What's more, we regularly get great feedback from the cleaners that clean for us, and five-star reviews from our domestic cleaning clients (click here to see our cleaning client reviews).

Like anything worthwhile, the business requires skill and determination, but if you're willing to work hard, follow our proven system and provide a great customer service to your clients then the results are there to be had.

You can read full details about how the business works in the franchise prospectus and 10-part mini-course. Fill in the form here to request your copy.

What makes One Less Thing different from other franchises?

We have created a World-class brand, marketing and our (completely bespoke) management software system to allow you to maximises your earning potential.

And we're not finished yet. We constantly add and improve our software and systems to improve and strengthen the business to the benefit of our franchisees.

Also, if you join us as one of our first four (now three) pilot-stage franchisee then you'll get your exclusive territory, training and support without the usual up-front cost. We just ask that you commit the £8,000 marketing budget to launch and grow your business in your exclusive territory.

You can read full details in the franchise prospectus and 10-part mini-course. Fill in the form here to request your copy.

Can I discuss the franchise opportunity with you?

Yes, absolutely.

In the franchise prospectus you'll find a link to arrange a free and no-obligation discovery Zoom call with Daniel Atherton (the founder of One Less Thing). On this no-obligaton call you can ask any questions you have and we'll discuss the opportunity to help you understand if it's right for you.

You can read full details in the franchise prospectus and 10-part mini-course. Fill in the form here to request your copy.

Why do I need to join a franchise? Can't I just start this business myself?

You can, however our objective is to put together a franchise that is so attractive that people will feel stupid saying no!

Also, running a business can be hard, but being part of a wider franchise network can mean greater support and continued development for you and your business over time.

When considering the training, support, brand and marketing setup, software system and franchise community we think that it's at least worth learning if it's right for you.

You can read full details in the franchise prospectus and 10-part mini-course. Fill in the form here to request your copy.

Do I need experience? What training is provided?

The franchise includes full training including in-person training at our Lancashire offices and remote support via Zoom to support you through your business launch (and beyond).

You can read full details in the franchise prospectus and 10-part mini-course. Fill in the form here to request your copy.

I already run a cleaning business - can I join?


We regularly get questions and enquiries from people that already run their own cleaning business and see the advantage of our business model and franchise package.

If this sounds like you then request the franchise prospectus and arrange a discovery call and we'll be delighted to discuss this further with you.

You can read full details in the franchise prospectus and 10-part mini-course. Fill in the form here to request your copy.

How long does it take to start?

There's no pressure, but if and when you've read the prospectus, got answers to your questions and decide to go ahead the process can be relatively swift.

New franchisees can be trained and operational within four to six weeks from signing an intention to proceed.

You can read full details in the franchise prospectus and 10-part mini-course. Fill in the form here to request your copy.

Can I initially run the business part time?

Yes, absolutely.

The One Less Thing model is focused on building a sustainable domestic cleaning business with a client list and recurring revenue that grows steadily over time.

Unlike many other businesses, you can initially run this part-time (alongside your current job, for example) whilst your business revenue and profit builds.

By replicating the financials we've seen in our HQ-run branch we'd expect that you could focus on the business full-time after anything from 6-18 months, depending on your situation (and what you decide).

You can read full details in the franchise prospectus and 10-part mini-course. Fill in the form here to request your copy.

If pilot franchisees don't pay any up-front fees, why do I need £8,000?

We're looking to attract four (now three) entrepreneurs to join us as pilot franchisees and start their own One Less Thing branch in their local area.

Pilot franchisees don't pay any up-front fees to join the franchise, however you need to invest into the marketing required to launch and grow your new business.

We know that a budget of at least £8,000 is required to launch each branch and work towards your first 100 clients. Without this investment your new business won't reach it's full potential.

This is why we ask pilot franchisees to commit to the marketing budget to demonstrate their commitment to their new business and show that they're serious about maximising the opportunity.

To be clear, 100% of this marketing budget will be spent on marketing targeted specifically within your exclusive franchise territory. It is there to generate enquiries which you can convert to new clients, revenue and profit for your new business.

You can read full details in the franchise prospectus and 10-part mini-course. Fill in the form here to request your copy.

What is a pilot franchisee?

Pilot franchisees are people that join a franchise in its initial stages to demonstrate that the success that the franchisor has achieved at their HQ-branch can be replicated by others too.

We're looking for four three (now one has been taken) people to start their own One Less Thing domestic cleaning business as pilot franchisees in 2024.

As a pilot franchisees you'll get our full franchise package including a large exclusive territory, full training and ongoing support at no up-front cost from us.

You'll just pay £8,000 towards the third-party advertising/marketing costs for your new One Less Thing business. This is held on account and spent on the marketing of your One Less Thing branch over its first 6-12 months to drive the sales and generate your recurring revenue.

This ensures that your One Less Thing branch has the necessary marketing to launch and thrive, and your new business is set up for success.

You can read full details in the franchise prospectus and 10-part mini-course. Fill in the form here to request your copy.

I have a question that's not covered here

No problem. Our franchise prospectus includes a link to arrange a free and no-obligation discovery Zoom call with the founder of One Less Thing - Daniel Atherton). On this call you can ask any questions you may have and discuss the opportunity to help you understand if it's right for you.

To get the franchise prospectus and 10-part mini-course. Fill in the form here to request your copy.

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